
OxSoft Ltd is the commercial arm of Denis Noble’s physiological modelling activities. The Company was formed in 1984 in order to make OXSOFT HEART available worldwide. OXSOFT HEART was written in Pascal and incorporated all the cardiac cell models developed by Denis Noble’s Oxford University team. Those models are now all encoded in CellML and are freely available on the CellML website.

In 1994 the commercial rights to the software were allocated exclusively to the US company, PHYSIOME SCIENCES, a private equity company that raised $50 million for developing models for use by pharmaceutical and biotech companies.  Major successes of that venture included presenting evidence to the FDA on the cardiac actions of new drugs. PHYSIOME SCIENCES eventually merged with the pharmaceutical company EPIX, which ceased trading in 2009.

Since 2009, OxSoft has continued to function through financial support from Denis Noble’s book and editing royalties. With this funding, it developed into a company supporting many academic projects related to the work of Denis Noble’s research team. In this capacity it has sponsored conferences, academic research projects, e.g. PreDICT, and performances of the OXFORD TROBADORS.

The Company is now focussed on projects relating to the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in predictive medical science. Artificial Intelligence is strongly featured (chapter 7) in Raymond and Denis Noble’s book UNDERSTANDING LIVING SYSTEMS, published in July 2023 by Cambridge University Press. A major long-term goal is the integration of genomic data with physiological modelling as a strategy to negotiate the impasse arising from purely gene-centric approaches to medical science, as outlined in Noble & Hunter, 2020.


Directors: Denis Noble (developer of first heart modelling in 1960) and Penelope Noble (developer of OXSOFT HEART and CellML models)
Registered address: Mercer Lewin, New Barclay House, 6-7 Citibase, 234 Botley Rd, Oxford OX2 0HP. 
Registered in England under Company Number 1843059
Email: nobleoxford@gmail.com